
Preparing Your Design for Digital Printing

Preparing Your Design for Digital Printing

It all about the right format that counts when you print your great design. Visualizing and working for hours to get the design ready on your system is just half the job; all your efforts are wasted, if you don’t optimize it for the right print. You may be a skilled designer, but if you don’t know how to print your design in the best way, then all your skills and hard work is futile. Let us see how you can optimize your design for perfect printing.


It is all about colour

The printer knows only two terminologies CMYK and RGB because it is all that a printer uses to print your design. A good designer should know what is CMYK and RGB. CMYK refers to four colours namely Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. And, RGB is Red, Green and Blue. It is the combination of colours of either of these groups that produces your design in print form. Commercial printing uses CYMK colours. A good designer should know the differences between both these palettes and the output clarity for both.

Image quality

Only a high-resolution design will produce good quality prints. The quality of an image refers to dpi or dots per inch. It literally means how many dots your printer needs to add per square inch of your design. If you are looking for a good quality print, then you should save your image at least 300dpi. Dropping the quality below 200 dpi gives you a disappointing output.

Embed your fonts

If you want your design to match 100% with the print, you should embed the fonts with the design. If the specific font that you used in the design is absent in the library, the printer may go for a substitute font. To avoid this you need to embed all the fonts you used in the design work.

Raster or Vector

Raster or Vector are two image formats. Raster uses pixels and vector uses mathematical calculation. Raster image looks good only at 100% size if you increase the size of the canvas it will start to pixelate. In vector format its only numbers, not pixels, thus the edges of a vector image looks smooth and sharp. Vector format is used for printing on large canvases and crisp designs like a logo or business card. A good designer should know what format to be used to get the best printouts and the designer should know what format is best for his design works.

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